I recently hired a consultant to help me out with a few projects at work. A client of hers was asking her to put together some 'survival' material together for a very remote worksite. I ended up providing her with many of the materials and instruction she needed to supply that need and I realized that I have a wide range of experience in this area and will dedicate my blog to outdoor interests and pursuits. The focus will be on the Rocky Mountains and will include things like edible and medicinal plants, dressing out game, what to do in the event you're lost or separated from civilization due to circumstances beyond your control. I will speak to hunters, geocachers, hikers, backbackers, climbers and anyone who loves the Colorado High Life. Knowledge is power, especially when faced with extraordinary circumstances in the few wilderness areas we have left. So, if you are somewhat of a 'regular' to my site I hope that future postings may be of interest to you. If not, well I so appreciate your dedication over the months.
More to come.

Hey Sug! Glad you found a topic you can share..I look forward to your posts..my new blog is at www.strangerinthecoulees.blogspot.com. I kept the old one up..but visit the new one soon eh? cheers!
I've been n the Rockies in Colorado and Canada. Beautiful mountains, very rugged. I would love to see some photos of the wildlife and scenery. Nice to see you posting again...
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